Friday 19 September 2014

Earn millions sitting at home publishing erotica ebooks

How to earn by writing adult novels

Earning is easy. We just need to spend 1/2 and hour per day. This is how I wrote many short novels. I have just now posted my 4th book of Series "My classmate blackmailed me" on Smashwords. ,,,

 I started writing some years ago on At that time its was called exbii. Before that I never thought I could write a novel. I use to write on xossip, every 2-3 days for 3-4 page on ms word and that too not regular. Unconsciously after writing for one year, I found that I have written about 2 Novels of 170 pages. This made me think that writing a novel is absolutely easy. This simple idea changed my mindset regarding the toughness of writing a book.

All we need is continuity. If you just spend half an hour daily, I guarantee you, your novel would be ready in a year. But one year is a very long time. Its really hard to keep the enthusiasm for that long, especially if you are a first time writer. Well true. So here's the trick. Do not write a big novel. Its out of fashion. Well, though its not out of fashion for John Grisham, Dan Brown or Paulo Coelho but readers do not have time to read big novels of unknown authors. So write short stories. Its easy to write and more profitable also. I am going to tell you the business statistics a little later. So, write short stories. Aim for around 5000-10,000 words.

Done with your story. Now Publish it. You have two options. Publish in ebook format or bring a print edition. I would recommend to go for ebook first and then go for print edition. Publishing an e-book takes no more than 5 minutes. You have lot of options like amazon kindle, smashwords et al. Aim for Amazon and smashwords in the beginning. Smashwords has a recent tie up with flipkart, largest seller in India. So, you can publish your ebooks just by signing on amazon or smashwords. Amazon also offers option for print edition. Once you submit your manuscript, they will tell you the approximate cost of printing your book and their commission. Then you can according to the cost price your book. Print version becomes costly and that leaves you with less profit. This is another reason for writing short stories, you don't need print edition. That means you get more share of profit in every book sold.

Now let me tell you, If you are writing erotica or adult novel you are already way ahead than your competitors in terms of demands. Porn industry is multi billion industry. Every human being has a sexual need which is unsatisfied. So you have a large market untapped. You can earn any share of this multi billion market if you can give your customers the gift of sexuality. Remember fifty shades of grey. This is just the beginning. If I tell you, you might be amazed but till now only half of the population i.e. male craved for porn but now the other half is also following the suit. Female fan following of fifty shades of grey is increasing with every passing day.

Writing short stories Vs Long novels
My advise is if you have a plot which you can write in a form of novel, split it into series. Like I have made two series. One I have published in 4 parts and the other not yet published but I am planning to bring in 5-6 parts.
So writing short stories takes about 2-3 days. And you can sell them @ 0.99 $. Writing a long novel takes 0ne year and you can earn about $9.
So you can write 100 short stories in a year.
100 X $0.99 =$ 99 with every copy sold.

And only $ 10 from a big novel with every copy sold.

Anyways its your wish what you want to write. Just be consistent and have patience you will make millions just by writing. You can write by sitting in home, playing or travelling the world. Only by spending some time at night you will earn a fortune.


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